Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Me No.1 and Me No.1 what about the rest of them.....

Bollywood is buzzing with No.1 chants. For years Amitabh has been on that spot without anybody being close, now the latest polls put Shahrukh at that spot and Amir is pissed off. He says he is No.1 and the media is playing along. Well if two guys say they are No.1 it leaves no room for others. It means everybody else starts at No.3.

How does one become No.1 in Bollywood? Is it determined by how much money they make? How much money their movies make? or How much influence they have in the industry? or How chics respond to these guys? its a difficult question and the answer might lie in a combination of these things, does it?

I think this number one crap is all media creation and maybe these two contenders are playing along just to make sure nobody else sniffs this seat.

Well if I were to vote for No.1 it will be Salman.....just kidding.

It seems like Akshay kumar had a great year and he is having fun out there. So may be he should be No.1.