Monday, November 5, 2007

Two for two.....

The Bush Administration has received two setbacks in South Asia in a one month span. The much touted Nuclear deal fell through because of the Democracy in India and the chance of return to Democracy dropped by the general in Pakistan.

What does the good old US lose? US lost billions of dollars in business if the Nuclear deal went through, it lost a chance to reduce Global warming, it lost a chance to reduce economic Inflation and above all it lost a chance to become India's #1 friend.

Even though India was to gain much from the deal, the process of democracy was upheld and that should be applauded. Who knows maybe we were compromising our National Security, instead we compromised National prosperity. Only future will tell us, Even after the deal's downfall, India is not far away from getting all the nuclear power. The pollution we generate in future will make the world request us to take up Nuclear power, maybe then we do not have communists, who count.

Compared to this the emergency in Pakistan is a bigger blow. No dictator in history has ever embraced democracy. You would think Bush administration would know this, after all nobody brought down more dictators than uncle Sam. On top of that, this same administration will be remembered as the reason for Saddam's downfall. When you count a dictator as your number one ally in the fight against terrorism, something is fundamentally wrong in the thinking itself.

What does Bush Administration lose in this, it lost its face.